Here at Weird & Wicked, I unravel the enigmatic threads of true crime, delve into the shadowy realms of the paranormal, and unearth the peculiar footprints of history. Through carefully crafted narratives and original artwork, I am here to both intrigue and educate my readers. My mission is to ignite curiosity, spark conversations, and illuminate the mysterious corners of our world -

one weird and wicked tale at a time.

Gef the Talking Mongoose
Paranormal Adventure, Weird History Jess Wright Paranormal Adventure, Weird History Jess Wright

Gef the Talking Mongoose

In the 1930s, the Irving family, living in a farmhouse on the Isle of Man, reported the presence of an unusual entity named Gef. Claiming to be an “extra clever mongoose” Gef reportedly possessed extraordinary abilities, including the ability to talk and read. This unexplained phenomenon, often considered a paranormal event, remains an unsolved mystery to this day.

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The Lady of the Dunes
True Crime Jess Wright True Crime Jess Wright

The Lady of the Dunes

The Lady of the Dunes, Ruth Marie Terry. Her life took her from Tennessee to California and so many places in between, but her sudden disappearance led to a chilling discovery in Massachusetts's Race Point Dunes. This mystery lasted nearly 50 years until advanced forensic science techniques identified Terry and named her killer.

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The Vampire Panic
Weird History Jess Wright Weird History Jess Wright

The Vampire Panic

The Vampire Panic was a reaction to an outbreak of tuberculosis, also known as consumption, in the 19th century. TB was thought to be caused by the deceased consuming the lives of their surviving relatives. It’s a crazy story.

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