Let’s Connect!

Say it all here. Your curiosity and enthusiasm are what make this journey so special.

Share your ideas & stories

Do you have a chilling true crime case, a paranormal encounter, a legendary monster, or a piece of weird history that you’d like to see featured on the blog? I’d love to hear from you! Your unique insights and experiences can help bring new perspectives and enrich the storytelling. Please include as many details as possible for the best chance of your topic being featured.

Inquires about artwork

Are you intrigued by the artwork accompanying the stories? I create each piece to enhance the narrative and transport you into the heart of the tale. If you have questions about the artwork, are interested in prints, or would like to discuss a commission, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Whether you’re sharing a story, suggesting a topic, asking about artwork, or just saying hello, I look forward to hearing from you. I legit get so excited when I see new messages.

or you can bypass this form and email me directly at jess.wright.artist@gmail.com

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