
I’m glad you’re here. I’m Jess. Your narrator and artist here at W&W.

I take the phrase, “If these walls could talk, what stories would they tell?” quite literally. I write pieces that in turn inspire architectural artwork. Not all of my artwork is based on the actual setting of the story but rather a style or vibe.

For example; If I write about Lizzie Borden I would draw the house where the murders occurred. If I write about a UFO abduction over a lake I would draw a houseboat or a log cabin.

It’s all about the atmosphere of the story, ya know?

Why architecture? To be honest, I am just obsessed with it. Architecture literally builds the world we live in. It can make our surroundings comfortable and inviting or dark and depressing.

What you’ll find here…

  • True Crime Chronicles: From grisly murders to baffling disappearances, I’ll bring you all the gritty details. I tend to lean more toward the obscure and away from the big hitters. We all know the story of Ted Bundy by now, right?

  • Paranormal Adventures: Everything from ghostly encounters to creepy locales. Who doesn’t love a good ghost story?

  • Monsters & Legends: Ancient myths, legendary creatures, and folklore from around the world. These tales will blur the line between fact and fiction.

  • Weird History Unearthed: History isn’t always boring textbook material. I’ll bring you the odd, the forgotten, and the downright peculiar moments from our past.

  • Original and Wicked Artwork: Every story gets a unique piece of artwork. It could be digital or a real-world medium.

Let’s Connect

Do you have a chilling story to share? Want to discuss a historical oddity? Or simply curious about my work? Drop me a message on my contact page. I love to hear from people. The response might be awkward but please know that every message is appreciated.

About me - Jess:

I am a woman of many avenues. I am an artist obsessed with architecture (I actually studied it a bit in college), I crochet, I play the viola, I cook from scratch most of the time, I garden, I practice yoga, I read, I consider myself a Satanic-Pagan-Witch, I have a husband and I homeschool my three boys. Did one of those surprise you? I’m awkward and considered “the weird, quiet girl” by most people I meet. I’m just over here trying to follow my passions and be myself.

I’m not going to beg you to stick around and love me. If you like what I offer - that’s great. If not - that’s fine too.

Thanks for being here. Even if just for a minute.

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